Orphans International divides our service into two major categories: Programs and Projects.
Programs include needs that are ongoing. Even as children grow up and become responsible for their own care, there are new tragedies that continually require our assistance.
Projects are specific. A single response that, while spanning a period of time to provide, have a launch and a completion.
Natural disasters affect both Programs and Projects. Haiti is plagued by both hurricanes and earthquakes as well as political unrest. This in combination with their poverty strains both our Programs and Projects. We need your help!
OIH operates the only food distribution center in Bombardopolis, Haiti. We began by feeding our orphans three hot meals a day.
Grow to Survive: Livestock and Agronomy Project
He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord
OIH also reaches out to the widows and widowers in the community, another neglected group.
The hospital will be the only health care center for a distance of ....
According to UNICEF, 46% of Haiti’s population lacks access to an improved water source, and most of Haiti’s water is contaminated with human waste and disease. Out of 147 countries, according to Water Resources, Haiti is dead last on the Water Poverty Index table (WPI). Water-borne contaminants, chronic diarrhea, typhoid and hepatitis are the leading causes of death in this country plagued with the highest child mortality rate in the Western hemisphere. One of the OIH goals is to change these dismal statistics in Bombardopolis.